I am having difficulty accessing library electronic resources and services.

Can't access an article, database, journal or make a request.


There are many factors that can cause connectivity issues with StFX electronic resources and accessing some of our online services.

Before you start the various troubleshooting steps below, please ensure you know your webFX/StFX Office 365 login credentials and that you have a StFX Student or Staff/Faculty ID card.

If you don't have a an ID card, please visit the security office on-campus to obtain one, or if you are working or studying from a distance, follow the process outlined on our Get a StFX Library Card page and then create or update your account using the most appropriate form for you.

Community borrowers (not affiliated with StFX) are not able to access resources online from off-campus and should contact the library directly for assistance placing holds, booking a room, or interlibrary lending requests.

  • Last Updated Sep 08, 2023
  • Views 55
  • Answered By Kris MacSween

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