What is the Spatial Data Resource Centre?

Where is it?

What services are available?

How can I contact the Spatial Data Resource Centre?


The Spatial Data Resource Centre, located on the main floor of the library, is the home of location dependent data and the resources needed to extract information for use in academic and research initiatives. The Centre includes a repository of maps, air photos and digital data along with the software needed to help researchers at StFX use geoinformatics to explore and identify spatial trends, features and relationships.

Access to and support for using these resources, including GIS, spatial data acquisition/mining, general data assistance and use of the plotter to print maps and posters is currently provided by Matthew Schumacher from the Earth Sciences department.  All questions or requests for support should be directed to Matt at mschumac@stfx.ca


  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2023
  • Views 87
  • Answered By Kris MacSween

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