How do I access online articles from off-campus?


StFX patrons can get access to online articles in journals we subscribe to by linking to them through the library website.   You cannot get free access to online articles by going to the journal or publisher site directly.

If you are off-campus, at some point in the process you will be prompted by our proxy server to verify your affiliation to StFX.  Simply enter your webFX username and password (same as you would to login to your StFX email).

To get to the journal via our website, go to, choose the search tile, click on the journal heading and type in the name of the journal (not the article).  Click on the correct title in the list of options, then click on the go button next to the link to the online database, if available electronically.  Once on the correct site, navigate to find a list of past issues.  Select the correct volume and issue, find the article and open the link.  Usually there is a link somewhere on the page to go to the full-text, download pdf, etc.  Each journal says it a little differently, so read carefully. 

  • Last Updated Sep 12, 2023
  • Views 338
  • Answered By Kris MacSween

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