How do I find newspaper articles?


If you're looking for newspaper articles, you have several options.

If you're looking for current Canadian news sources, you can search Canadian Business and Current Affairs. Just enter your search terms, scroll down to Source Type and choose Newspapers.

You can do the same sort of search in ProQuest Research Library if you're looking for American sources.

If you're looking for Canadian historical news (reports of the 1970 October Crisis, for example), you can search the Globe and Mail archive, which covers from 1844 to 2013.

The Library provides access to Eureka, a newspaper database with hundreds of Canadian and international sources, including 10 daily Atlantic Canadian newspapers.

The Library also has print subscriptions to a variety of newspaper titles.

If you have any questions about looking for newspaper articles, you can get help at the Library reference desk or by contacting a Liaison Librarian.

  • Last Updated Aug 09, 2023
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Laurinda Matheson

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