How do I find a particular article?


You can search for an article in Novanet, the Library catalogue. Enter the information you have about the article (author, title, journal name, etc.) into the search box. If the article comes up in the results list, look for a "Full Text Available" button.

If the article doesn't come up, you have another option. On the Search page of the Library website, change the default search from Novanet to Journals. Then enter the name of the journal in which the article was published, NOT the article title. The system will list any places databases in which we have access to that journal and which years are available in each database. Find an option which includes the year the article was published and follow the links to find the correct volume and issue.

If you have any problems finding an article, you can get help at the Library Research Help Desk or by contacting a Liaison Librarian.

  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2024
  • Views 78
  • Answered By Laurinda Matheson

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