How do I find articles on a subject?


There are different options for finding articles.

You can find articles in Novanet, the Library catalogue. Enter your search terms and Novanet will return a list of items which match those terms. This list will include books and other items as well as articles but you can use the limiters under the Tweak My Results option to narrow your list. You can use the Resource Type option and choose Articles, or, if you need peer-reviewed sources, you can use the Peer-reviewed Journals limiter under Availability.

If you don't find enough sources, you can also check the Subject Guide for your subject area. The Find Articles page of each Guide lists the most useful article databases for that subject.

The Find Articles page also has a link to Google Scholar. Google Scholar searches academic and related sites. Google Scholar will return a variety of results, including items that are not peer-reviewed and may not be suitable for your research. If you want to use a source, make sure you can tell where it comes from and whether it is actually a scholarly resource.

If you're not sure how to tell if an item is a good source, you can get help at the Library reference desk or by contacting a Liaison Librarian.

  • Last Updated Aug 08, 2023
  • Views 237
  • Answered By Laurinda Matheson

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