What is my login and password?


For all StFX affiliated users, most library functions will use your StFX email address and password to authenticate. Community borrowers will use their barcode and the password they set up during registration.


However, if you are brought to a screen that looks like this:


it means that the item you are looking for is not available in the library and the system has directed you to the request form for Interlibrary Lending (ILL). The login for the Interlibrary Lending (ILL) form is your barcode, the long number at the bottom of your StFX ID card. The password here will be your last name, exactly as it is spelled on your library account.  To double check the spelling, please log in to the Novanet catalogue by selecting the appropriate patron option and then use the method described at the beginning of this FAQ to authenticate.

  • Last Updated Sep 08, 2023
  • Views 559
  • Answered By Laurinda Matheson

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